Ouch! Are Your Teeth Sensitive?

Are Your Teeth Sensitive In Burlington?

For those of you in the Cincinnati area who feel pain when you sip your morning coffee or who cringe each time you brush or floss, Pediatric Dental Center is here for you. Doctor Eric Soper has been treating this common dilemma since 2004. The first line of defense against tooth sensitivity is proper oral…

Dental Breakthroughs On The Horizon

dental breakthroughs Burlington

At Pediatric Dental Center, we use the latest validated dental technology to provide our patients with quality pediatric dentistry. In addition, we keep tabs on the most current dental research that is driving the industry forward. As your child grows, they will see many exciting advancements in dentistry. Here are some of the intriguing dental technologies…

3 Problems Which May Require A Root Canal

Maysville family dentist

Hello, let’s talk about the root canal procedure (‘endodontic therapy’ in dentist-speak). The root canal often strikes fear in dental patients. It is important that dental patients know what is happening during this anxiety-inducing, though routine, procedure. At the center of each tooth is a very small tissue called the pulp. The thread-like tissue can…

Why Your Child Needs Pediatric Dental Cleanings

In today’s post, we examine children’s dental cleanings. Does your child need a professional dental cleaning if you practice dental hygiene at home? Short answer? Yes. Let’s review it. Both activities are important. They reinforce each other. They work in tandem to protect your youngster’s smile as they grow. Eric Soper encourages patients to practice…

Does Your Child Have An Overbite?

Treating Bite Problems in Burlington

Malocclusions (bite problems) include overbites, underbites, and crossbites. Jaw alignment disorders restrict proper chewing, talking, and swallowing. They can also cause teeth to shift around in the mouth. Burlington dentistry patients with bite problems are at a greater risk for tooth decay and periodontal disease because bite misalignment often makes it difficult to maintain proper…

Hidden Sugar in Burlington Kids’ Snacks

Hidden Sugar In Crestview Hills Kid's Snacks

Many children consume far too much sugar. This is reflected in the high rates of tooth decay seen in dental offices across the country, including Pediatric Dental Center. In this post we’ll remind you what sugar does to teeth, and what you can do about it. First, though, it’s important to realize how much hidden…