Protect Young Smiles for Active Kids

pediatric dental CampbellPrimary teeth are important.  Pediatric Dental Center is a leading pediatric dental practice serving the Greater Cincinnati area including Northern Kentucky, Southeast Indiana and Cincinnati.If you have a child who plays youth sports such as soccer or baseball, they can be very risky for your child’s teeth.

Football can be a heavy contact sport, yet there is a relatively low rate of mouth injuries that occur in football as compared to other contact sports. Why? Football players are required to wear a mouth guard and a helmet.

Inexpensive athletic dental mouth guards are worth their weight in gold!

If your child participates in a contact sport and doesn’t currently wear a mouth guard, we recommend that you have them start.

There are three main types of mouthguards:

  • ready-to-wear.  The stock mouth protectors are pre-formed and ready to wear. Unfortunately, they rarely fit well.
  • boil and bite. They are to be softened in water and then formed to the mouth (follow the manufacturer’s instructions).
  • custom-fitted.

We offer custom sports mouth guards that provide the highest level of protection and comfort. Mouth protectors that are comfortable are more likely to be worn by kids who complain about wearing a mouthguard.

Start Early For a Healthy Smile For Life

Is your child still a toddler? It’s not too early to start protecting their oral health. If your toddler has not yet had a dental examination, call us to schedule one. Starting early dental visits is important for lifelong oral health.

At the Pediatric Dental Center in Burlington KY or Crestview Hills KY , we specialize in pediatric dentistry and early dental care. Call us today for an appointment.




5495 N Bend Rd Ste 102
Burlington, Kentucky